Abstract - The Information Society 10(4)

Supporting the free market: Information technology in Hong Kong

Kenneth L Kraemer, Jason Dedrick and Sheryl Jarman

Information technology (IT) policy in Hong Kong has mirrored the colony's laissez-faire economic strategy, with little government effort to promote the production or use of IT products and services. Hong Kong has become an advanced user of IT in several economic sectors and an assembly site for personal computer hardware. However, like much of the manufacturing sector, the computer industry is moving much of its production to China, causing concern about the future of Hong Kong's economy. While some pe ople feel that Hong Kong can flourish as a financial and business services sector, others believe that this role will be diminished as the Chinese economy liberalizes and other centers develop in mainland China. They argue that Hong Kong needs to upgrade its technological capabilities and develop technology intensive activities such as research and development and software development to complement China's manufacturing activities.

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